The Little Mermaid
文本:Gritt Uldall-Jessen(丹麦)
Creative Ensemble: Hysteria Theater
Playwright: Gritt Uldall-Jessen(Denmark)
Dramaturgy /Director:Cai YiYun
Scenic Design:Cai YiYun
Light Design:Wang Yang
Multimedia Design:Qian HongLin
Musical Design :Liu YiWei
Cast: Kang TongGe、Yang JinFan、Li TengFei
Synopsis for the monologue ’It Hurts, said the Mermaid’ by Gritt Uldall-Jessen:
Anonymous artists and/or activists have two times - in 1964 and 1998 - succeeded in cutting the head of the sculpture of the Little Mermaid on the harbour Langelinie in Copenhagen, Denmark. In addition the sculpture has been overpainted several times, robbed for an arm and latest - been overturned by the use of explosives. The sculpture with its real history is the point of departure for the story.
The story of the little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen is here just a part of the context/point of reference.
The text is metaphorically speaking about "losing ones head" and in the text these heads will return as a kind of ghosts. This corresponds to an existential experience of losing a crucial part of yourself, to be "amputated" by something that changes your life completely. In this story this has happened twice.
When the mermaid in 1964 first lost her head and got a new one, it changed her. She could not recognize herself or find out what she should do. In 1998 the new head is also being cut off, but it returns a few days later.
She is distraught over the loss, the new head do not suit her, and she wonder, if she would be better off without the head?
The inside of the mermaid is inhabited by a delicate creature. This "inner mermaid" can be seen as the soul of the sculpture, as the vast amount of connotations about mermaids, women and love. She relates to the sculpture as a form.
This character grows and becomes stronger from being confronted with the world outside, while the hard outer surface becomes softer.
We leave the sculpture in a state where she has started to free herself from the stone.
The text will be a monologue, combined with excerpts of the history of the sculpture, articles, comments and discussions, together with quotes from the fairy tale.
The play will be a monologue for many voices and can have up to three-four-five performers, is structured in 12 scenes, and the duration will be 50 min.
Description of the concept for the staging of the performance "The Little Mermaid":
The text "”It Hurts”, Said The Mermaid”, written by the Danish playwright Gritt Uldall-Jessen, has left plenty of room for interpretation for the director because of its post-dramatic style, dealing with the inner life of the statue of The Little Mermaid at Langelinie in Copenhagen, Denmark. The initial idea of the director is to stage the piece in an empty space that then will be divided into several smaller rooms, and then carry out various experiments in each of the rooms, making use of mixed media such as combining video-installation, photo-installation, audio-interaction and performance art, and in that way give a visual expression of the multifacetted feminist, political and historical content of the text to the audience. Within an hour the historical events of the mermaid-sculpture interferes with the real time of the performance. The intention is that you as an audience member will be able to connect to the story behind the mermaid-sculpture by Hans Christian Andersen right away after having entered the exhibition room. When you come out of the exhibition room, you are going to be aware of that you might have experienced a piece of postdramatic theater like you have never experienced it before. This work will be significantly different from the traditional work of drama since the written play is only one part of the work and it also serves only as a point of departure side by side with the reference to the story of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen and other material. The full performance is a journey involving different sensory functions of the audience, including sense of hearing, taste and sight. The audience will no longer just be adressed as an object that passively observes and receives. It will be an invisible transformation process and you as audience are invited to take part in it and interact with the performers and the different elements of the piece and find an order in it. You will find yourself involved in co-creating a piece of art work in an innovative and unpredictable way.